German Learning resources Recommendations
A great way to learn German: Natürlich German
Natürlich German is different
When people think of learning German, they often think of it as simply a process of memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules. The first things that come to our mind are despair, boredom, frustration and a feeling that we will never succeed.
But Natürlich German is different:
Learn German online Youtube with Johannes & Luzi
Your German Teacher for grammar on Youtube
Learn German by listening to the podcast - Slow German
All the reasons why listening to "Slow German" podcast is a fun way to learn German.
From Spotify:
In this podcast, German podcaster Annik Rubens talks slowly about topics of everyday German life, from beergardens to recycling. More information and Premium Podcast with learning materials on Slow German at You can read the complete transcript of each episode on this internet-site or in the ID3-Tags.
Here is a website that is great if you are new to learning German
Highly recommended website for learning German.
According to my opinion, this is one of the best sites I have seen on the subject that I have come across. Short, focused, and most engaging.