A great way to learn German: Natürlich German


Natürlich German is different

TL;DR : Videos for learning German that applies the concept of learning a language by understanding it. Highly recommended!

When people think of learning German, they often think of it as simply a process of memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules. The first things that come to our mind are despair, boredom, frustration and a feeling that we will never succeed.

But Natürlich German is different: 


This is more than just a website for learning German with a good teacher. This is a different way of learning a second language. There is no doubt that this is one of the best sites we have seen for learning German

It is not just the amount of material and the way it is organized that make it an excellent resource for anyone wanting to learn German. It is the content: the way Anna shows and explains the language. 

It applies the principle of the language researcher, an American linguist, Stephen D. Krashen, who talks about understanding ("comprehensible input"). As trite as it sounds, it is still an unacceptable approach.

You learn when you understand its meaning.

The idea is that you only learn a word when you actually understand its meaning.

The act of learning is something that happens on many levels. It can happen when we are exposed to newly acquired information, when we are trying to comprehend something difficult, or when we are consciously trying to remember something. In each case, there is a process of taking in and comprehending newly acquired information. The idea is that you only learn a word when you actually understand its meaning. This is why memorizing alone is not enough to master a language. You must be able to understand the concepts behind the words in order to learn the language truly.

No grammar. 

The most exciting thing is precisely what is not on the site and in her approach - an explanation of grammar. Like us, she also got to the conclusion that:  German grammar is not something you should learn when starting to learn 

She also concluded that there is no need, and it is unnecessary, and people do not learn a language by understanding its grammar.

You can watch Anna's videos for free! 

Her videos are free, and you can learn from them for free. Please like each one and register as a follower. Donating to her or booking lessons with her is also recommended. This is the least of gratitude that can be done. Watching the videos, you will understand that this is an extremely valuable activity that should be encouraged by everyone who wants to learn a foreign language. I wish one day all teachers were like that.


David Sholtz, Berlin, 2022 

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