German grammar is not something you should learn when starting to learn


TL;DR : Most people find this painful rather than helpful

Learning a language can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to grammar. German is no exception; its complex grammar patterns make mastering the language difficult for even experienced learners. For those starting out on their journey to learn German, grammar can seem like an overwhelming obstacle.

The truth is, however, that if you start your learning journey in the right place and with the right attitude, you can make it much easier on yourself. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why focusing on German grammar at the beginning of your learning journey might not be the best idea and what strategies you can use instead to lay a solid foundation for mastering German.

In any language, grammar is highly complex

No matter what language you're trying to learn, grammar will always be a complex aspect of it. There are so many rules to learn and exceptions to remember, and it can be overwhelming for even the most experienced language learner. German grammar is no different. 

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The majority of people cannot understand syntax, not even in their mother tongue

It is well known that the majority of people cannot understand syntax, not even in their mother tongue. Stop, and think about a sentence in your first language. Could you explain the sentence structure?

This claim is often made by people trying to teach a second language, and it seems particularly true for German.
German grammar is notoriously tricky, and even native speakers find it hard to explain grammatically, even basic sentence structure.

Learning a language from the most challenging part...  makes no sense!

There are many different ways to learn a language, but some methods are more effective than others. Understanding the most challenging part of a language first makes no sense because it's much more difficult to learn and remember the material when presented out of context.

It's much better to start with the basics and gradually build up your knowledge. However, beginning with the most difficult material can be discouraging and lead to giving up altogether.

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Foreign languages can be mastered without understanding grammar's systematic logic

It is possible to master foreign languages without understanding the systematic logic of grammar.

In fact, many people who are successful in mastering a second language do so without any formal training in grammar. Instead, they rely on a more intuitive approach, learning the language through exposure and practice.

This doesn't mean that grammar isn't important. Grammar is the foundation of any language, and it's what allows us to communicate complex ideas. But for many people, grammar can be a barrier to entry into a new language. If you're struggling to grasp the basics of a new language, don't be discouraged – with the Shalva method , there is no doubt that you are on the right track.

Don't worry too much about the grammar

So, if you're starting to learn German, don't worry too much about the grammar. If you concentrate on learning the words, you'll be able to communicate much more easily. the grammar will come, do not worry about it. 

James Cohen, London. 2022

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