Berlin Berlin - TV series to learn German


It is a German series that aired in the early 2000s (2002). This is a light, funny tv series, with episodes of twenty-five minutes, excellent for learning German. Something like the American "Friends," but with essential differences. It may be the best series to learn authentic German speaking.

You can find it on Netflix.

Well, maybe they don't always speak as clearly and slowly as those looking to learn German look for, but the plot is simple enough that you can understand the context between the words.

The series tells the story of a young lady name Lola, who is undoubtedly extremely cute. After finishing school, Lola follows her boyfriend, Tom, from Milan to the city of Berlin.

In Berlin, what a surprise... she finds out that Tom is cheating on her with another girl. So instead of returning home, Lola decides to stay in Berlin with her cousin and his friends.

Love with second cousins

At the end of the first season, Lola and Sven fall in love with each other, even though they are second cousins. This is because their grandparents were siblings, as revealed in the first episode when Daniel, Sven's son, asks Lola how she relates to him.


And let's return for a moment to the series "Friends" - and the differences between them. While in "Friends," everything is clean and politically correct, in the series Berlin Berlin, everything happens. She falls in love, sleep, cheats, and has relations with her cousin! (I don't remember anything like that on the screen ever) This is Germany. It's not the United States, and it's the real thing! Compared to friends, Berlin Berlin has lesbian relationships, smoking, and a million other things that are not politically correct.

The great thing about this TV series is that it's not just about practicing listening to German. It's also about learning that German uses more complex structures and vocabulary. This makes it an excellent resource for those who want to learn German. The series is also entertaining, so you won't get bored while you study.

If you have German friends and you want to practice your German, along with a big laugh, then ask them about the series. Furthermore, you might want to ask them whether it is acceptable for relatives to have romantic relationships with each other. Then, naturally, you will see them moving uncomfortably and then admit that it happens many times.

What happened to the players later?

What happened to the actress? 

 Nicola Hertz, Berlin

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